Sunday, March 23, 2008

Early Spring

This year Easter is so-o-o-o early! In years past, our family would welcome spring by having my sons and our 2 nephews take a dip in the Blanco River (rule: you had to at least wade in up to your ankles.) There is no way we'd be able to do that this year (plus, the boys are old enough to dig in and just refuse!) I know that most of the U.S. is still feeling winter-like, so I really can't complain with our high temps in the 70s -- which means the bluebonnets are beginning to show.

For those that enjoy the annual parade of Peeps marshmallow treats that Easter brings, check out the results of the annual Peeps diorama contest conducted by the St. Paul, MN newspaper:

The second place winner had the funniest one (if you enjoyed the whole Minneapolis men's room controversy and hoopla.) I'm sure no Peeps were harmed in the making of these diorama's....

Enjoy the day and make sure to eat all the kid's chocolate after they go to bed!

1 comment:

k said...

Love the peep story! Thanks for sharing. Happy Peepster!